Directed by Vishnuvardhan, Nesipaya stars Akash Murali, son of actor Murali and younger brother of Atharvaa, alongside Aditi ...
the petitioner's advocate argued that Dr Vishnuvardhan, a revered actor with a large fan base, deserved a memorial where his admirers could pay homage to him on his birthday and memorial day.
Thousands of fans of Dr Vishnuvardhan organised welfare programmes on December 30, the death anniversary of Sahasa Simha Dr Vishnuvardhan. Fans made Simhada Haadi, a tele film, on the occasion ...
The audio launch of the film Nesipaya, directed by Vishnuvardhan, was held in Chennai on January 3. The film stars Akash Murali, younger son of actor Murali and brother of Atharvaa, ...