"Psycho" launched a thousand phobias of showers and dingy roadside motels when it premiered in 1960. Audiences ate up Alfred Hitchcock's proto-slasher, and the film went on to become the second ...
Psycho premiered in 1960, but decades later, it remains as gripping and rewatchable as any Hitchcock movie. Psycho makes use of music, Janet Leigh's terrified acting, and one of the greatest film ...
Series of American horror films, loosely based on the "Psycho" novels by Robert Bloch, which focuses on the deeply disturbed individuals who operate the Bates Motel.
The 1960 classic film was "intended to cause people to scream ... Originally broadcast 5 July 1964 BBC Archive 1964: Alfred Hitchcock thought Psycho was 'amusing' Video, 00:02:121964: Alfred ...
Series of American horror films, loosely based on the "Psycho" novels by Robert Bloch, which focuses on the deeply disturbed individuals who operate the Bates Motel.