Millions of years ago, our Solar System sailed through the Orion Complex, part of the vast Radcliffe Wave structure. This ...
With a radius of 3,959 miles, Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, and it's the only one known for sure to have liquid water on its surface. Earth is also unique in terms of ...
The stars as seen from Earth would have looked dimmer 14 million years ago, as the solar system was in the middle of passing ...
Early in our Solar System’s history, bits of icy debris were scattered and then gradually coaxed into a spiral alignment in ...
The triple star system is sending comets, asteroids and meteors our way, and the number of interstellar objects entering the solar system will rise.
As civilizations become more and more advanced, their power needs also increase. It's likely that an advanced civilization ...
While the study raises the possibility of a link between the past traverse of the solar system through its galactic neighborhood and Earth's climate via interstellar dust, the authors emphasize ...
Primordial helium from the beginning of the solar system may be stuck inside Earth's solid core, new research suggests. The findings could have implications for a long-standing debate about how ...
While the study raises the possibility of a link between the past traverse of the solar system through its galactic neighborhood and Earth's climate via interstellar dust, the authors emphasize ...
The team's research indicates the solar system's passage through the Orion region occurred between approximately 18.2 and 11.5 million years ago, with the most likely time between 14.8 and 12.4 ...