Route 248 will be realigned in Bath for $5.42 million, while traffic signals will be improved on Routes 248 and 512 in the borough for $1.2 million. Also on the list: ...
Detours are starting for the $6.9 million project to rehabilitate the Route 873 bridge over the Lehigh River between ...
Southbound traffic on the Route 873 Lehigh Gap Bridge will be detoured beginning Thursday, March 6 for repair work expected ...
If the stop arm of a school bus is out, drivers must stop. Yes, even on Route 248. When a school bus extends its flashing stop arm, approaching vehicles from either direction must stop.
A large pothole by the cantilever along Route 248 has a Palmerton borough official concerned. Councilwoman Holly Hausman Sell referred to the pothole as a “crater,” and noted there was recently a ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District 5 announced road restrictions will begin Thursday for a project to ...