The concept of ‘facets’ was introduced to Dota 2 in patch 7.36. Here ... Those are the kind of options that every support hopes to have. Monkey King makes an appearance in the support heroes because ...
While the above are the top five carry heroes in Dota 2 at the time of writing, they are not the be-all-end-all in the meta. Other heroes in the carry role that are worth mentioning currently include ...
Kuku, during that clash, saved Rafli Fathur "Mikoto" Rahman's Monkey King who was focused on by the Liquid side. READ: Dota 2: Talon taps services of Natsumi for MESA Invitational The "gs" finally ...
In the fifth and final of the five-part series, we take a look at the top 5 position 4 supports in pubs from the past month for Dota 2 patch 7.32 ... This has some early Monkey King vibes, when the ...