The second Mexican Empire promises to prove as ephemeral as ... but VICARIO and his columns riding over the land and disseminating proclamations, which "attack the Emperor, accuse him of having ...
And although in Mexico there is a form of government of the Republic, other forms of government have also arisen, for example, the Empire. And it is that throughout the country's history as an ...
the Mexican empire was ruled by the Tlatoani Moctezuma II or Moctezuma Xocoyotzin. He was in charge of the empire of one of the most important cultures in Mesoamerica from 1502 until 1520 ...
The latest arrivals from Vera Cruz bring news from that port up to the 23d, and the intelligence from the City of Mexico is up to ... supposed to wish well to the empire, has resolved to retire ...
The empire's independence lasted until 1848 ... More than one-third of the land in New Mexico is protected by the federal government, employing people in agencies such as the National Park ...