Roman proconsul Julius Caesar conducts a series of military campaigns to conquer Gaul, boosting his political career and bringing him the wealth to pay off his debts. 50 B.C. Following his ...
A superb general and politician, Julius Caesar (c ... The only clear alternative was military dictatorship. Caesar allied himself against the nobility. As his career took off, he won a number ...
The assassination of Julius Caesar was reenacted in Rome at the exact same place where it had taken place 2,000 years ago.
Why is March 15 so ominous? And where does the phrase "Beware the Ides of March" come from? Here's everything to know.
March 15th and 16th are dates that resonates through history, marked by events that have shaped the world in profound ways.
This little work, composed when the former Emperor was in exile on St. Helena, and Englished by retired engineer and British military officer Maguire ... Napoleon’s Commentaries on the Wars of Julius ...
Time for the Romans was divided differently, with the Kalends, the Ides at the start and middle of each month, respectively, and the Nones sitting between them. With the intention of maintaining and ...