JERASH, Jordan — Izzaat Al-Hindi trudged down a passageway of the Jerash Refugee Camp, navigating potholes, garbage piles and drab, dilapidated buildings. He still remembers the day his family ...
The second phase of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre’s (KSrelief) clinic operation project in Zaatari camp, ...
and less than 10 percent live in formal refugee camps; the majority are spread throughout the country. The refugees—13 percent of Jordan's population—are a major burden on Jordan's weak economy.
They'd secured their visas, bought their plane tickets, sold their belongings. But a new Trump administration refugee ban ...
Palestinian elder Mohamed Ahmed Jafar was forced to take refuge in Jordan after Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967. Ever since, he has been residing in the Jerash refugee camp, locally known as ...
Jordan's security services have long feared radicalization in the 10 Palestinian refugee camps spread around the kingdom. Refugees from Gaza have always stood apart. In 1968, Some 11,500 were ...