In the film, Ravindra played the role of Jeetendra's friend, accompanying him on a journey in his truck. The Kapoor family has produced several iconic stars such as Raj Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor ...
Jeetendra, a savvy real estate investor, has also bought properties outside Mumbai, including a bungalow in Hyderabad. His investments in both films and real estate have helped secure his family's ...
They starred together in 28 films, bringing romance and drama to the screen with their captivating on-screen connection. One ...
In the 1980s, Jeetendra was one of Bollywood's top stars, famous for his energetic dance moves and charming personality. He holds a unique record for starring in many hit remakes of South Indian ...
Jeetendra, a Bollywood icon, excelled in the 1980s with his dynamic dance moves and roles in numerous South Indian film remakes. With over 200 films and a unique record for remakes, he debuted in ...