Shaped like a thousand-mile boot lying on its side, with Jamaica at the top, the Leeward Islands at the heel. Trinidad at the toe, The West Indies unites: ¶ Jamaica, which has more than half the ...
If you want to soak plenty of sunshine as you swim with beautiful sea turtles but don't want to hassle with crowds, these ...
Throughout the West Indies, the fertility of the soil and the difficulties which Europeans experience in doing hard physical work in the tropics, early prompted the importation of Negro slaves from ...
ST JOHN’S, Antigua (CMC) — Cricket West Indies (CWI) and the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) have announced the ...
Between 2023 and 2024, the island of Jamaica made over $4 billion in tourism alone. This is just one of the 13 independent countries that make up the Caribbean islands. With billions of dollars ...
In 2019, Legena Henry, SM ’10, and the students in her renewable energy course at the University of the West Indies in Barbados wondered how to help their island stop using fossil fuel by 2030.