Based on Charles Dickens' timeless tale, this is a story of the love of a man for an unreachable woman. Updated to modern-day New York City, the story concerns a man of modest background who falls ...
GREAT EXPECTATIONS, which was originally published between 1 December 1860 and 3 August 1861, has been adapted for the stage by Jo Clifford, who is one of Scotland's leading playwrights.
Anna dreams of her life after high school, to move away and become an actress, despite her mother Jaya's expectations for her to become a doctor. On the day of Anna's big audition, Jaya organises ...
Pip, a good-natured, gullible young orphan, lives with kind blacksmith Joe Gargery and his bossy, abusive wife "Mrs. Joe". When the boy finds two hidden escaped galley convicts, he obeys under ...