Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Yuki Bhambri, India, def. Mate Pavic, Croatia, and Marcelo Arevalo-Gonzalez (1), El Salvador, 2-6, 6-3, 10-8.
An exhibition titled 'The Surfing Journey is here' by Salvadoran artist Annette Handal was inaugurated at Katara Cultural ...
San Salvador: El Salvador's Congress, with support from anti-gang crusader President Nayib Bukele, has approved tougher punishments for corruption and several violent crimes, including doubling ...
USA, Panama, Honduras and El Salvador have qualified for the FIFA U-17 World Cup Qatar 2025™. The quartet secured their spots at the newly-expanded 48-team tournament – which kicks off in November – ...
Under U.S. immigration law, a country such as El Salvador can accept someone deported from the U.S. who isn’t a citizen of ...
Washington: President Donald Trump on Tuesday backed an offer by El Salvador to take in prisoners -- including US citizens -- despite clear legal problems with such an outsourcing under American law.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio said El Salvador agreed to take deportees and "dangerous" U.S. criminal citizens.
Honduras will play in the U-17 World Cup for the sixth time in its history, having previously participated in South Korea 2007, Nigeria 2009, the United Arab Emirates 2013, Chile 2015, and India 2017.
All times are UK and subject to change. BBC is not responsible for any changes.
El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele offered to house criminals from any nationality deported from the U.S.—including “dangerous criminals” who are American citizens—in his country’s ...
El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has offered for illegal immigrants – of any nationality – facing deportation in the U.S. to be booked in his country's prison system in exchange for a fee.
El Salvador's president, Nayib Bukele, has offered to accept deportees of any nationality from the US, including US citizens. US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, said late on Monday that Bukele ...