The sum works out as £204,000 per hour, £3,407 a minute and £56.78 for every second he spent providing the services. It must ...
Juventus avoided slumping to a sixth draw of the season thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo's late penalties in Sunday's 3-1 win at ...
On May 11, the stage was set for a thrilling Serie A match as Juventus triumphed over Lazio with a 3-1 victory. This match proved historic, not only due to Juventus's success but also because ...
Pavel Nedved is one of the greatest players in soccer history. The former Juventus star won the Ballon d'Or in 2003. After ...
Cristiano Ronaldo's son can represent 5 countries, including Portugal, the USA, Cape Verde, Spain, and England, thanks to his ...
Weston McKennie picked two former Juventus players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, when asked to select his dream five-a-side ...
Cristiano Ronaldo has played in hundreds of stadiums in his 20+ year career, some being very hostile environments. The ...
Cristiano Ronaldo's son could represent five countries at international level. The teenager was born in the USA and has lived ...
Cristiano Ronaldo Junior has a unique privilege that few young players enjoy—eligibility to play for five different nations ...