It’s been no secret that repeated bumps to the head—even trivial ones—can have long-lasting consequences. Football players, military veterans, and even elderly people who suffer mild falls face an ...
The skull evolved for protection against blunt force. Modern acceleration and rotational forces expose the brain to new ...
The spectrum includes acute concussion, second impact syndrome or acute cerebral swelling, postconcussion syndrome, depression or anxiety, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and possibly other ...
Scientists have made a major breakthrough for early diagnosis of a brain disorder afflicting some of Australia's football ...
With serious injuries ever-present, players must prioritize their own health to advocate for safer practices on the field. Background In the initial autopsy case studies of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), some researchers have concluded that the proteinopathy associated with CTE is the underlying ...
They also lead to an increased risk of dementia, Parkinson's disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and cost billions of dollars in health care. There is no medical treatment for these ...