Architectural consultant Seth Wiseman explains the different eras that now come together in the Worcester Art Museum's Lancaster lobby.
Branch of the Smithsonian American Art Museum dedicated to exhibiting American contemporary craft, celebrating makers taking both innovative and time-honored approaches to their work. The Renwick ...
A major part of phase one that I’m very excited about is the construction of a large gallery with over 20-foot ceilings, which will really expand the museum ... walls. So there’s certain art ...
Dozens of them remain set into the walls of UCL’s Flaxman Gallery, which was specifically designed to house them, though many more were for a long time housed in the UCL Art Museum’s former ...
You don't have to be an art lover to appreciate the Museum of Modern Art; this airy midtown gallery also doubles ... contemporary pieces hang on its walls, including Picasso's "Les Demoiselles ...