9.2 The core functions of the Division are as follows: (a) Promoting better understanding and wider appreciation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the Convention), the ...
One of the pressing challenges in contemporary international law is ensuring access to the sea for landlocked nations. Ethiopia, the world’s most populous ...
The real issue in the South China Sea (SCS) is China’s continued refusal to abide by international law, the Department of ...
The Philippines is preparing to build a new arbitration case against China over alleged breaches of international law in the South China Sea. It may seem like a symbolic gesture, but in a world where ...
The States Parties to this Convention ... Charter of the United Nations in which any of the personnel are engaged as combatants against organized armed forces and to which the law of international ...
THE PHILIPPINES on Monday rejected China’s allegation that their sea dispute was mere “shadow play,” insisting that it is a sovereign state whose actions are driven entirely by national interest and ...
CHINA'S assertion that Palawan was historically part of its territory is not only baseless but also a direct affront to international law, a legal expert said Monday. The claim contradicts the United ...
By investing in key UN institutional mechanisms, Australia can contribute to upholding the rules-based order of the law of ...
VOV.VN - Over the past weekend, the Group of Asia-Pacific states at the United Nations agreed to nominate Vietnam for the ...
The adoption of the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention, 1982 was the result of the world's most ambitious law reform movements. The Convention is a comprehensive instrument functioning as a ...
The Baltic Sea faces increasing threats to its underwater infrastructure, prompting Nordic-Baltic nations to explore legal ...