It's why I installed hidden cameras in the Fox and Friends bathroom ... By a team of Slovakian migrants. GregGutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET) and co ...
GREGGUTFELD (CO-HOST): It is hard for a lot of people not to see race in this. In an ideal world, we wouldn't see race. We would just see a horrifying event, and I think that's what Katie is ...
CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOXNEWS APP Like a line of cocaine at ... The melting pot is warm — I made sure of that. GregGutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET ...
While MSNBC may have reason for optimism that the incoming Trump administration may yield a ratings boost, CNN’s audience shows little sign of returning at the moment.