A City Council bill that would force the NYPD to abolish its criminal gang database would make it more difficult for cops to ...
The Philadelphia District Attorney's office said they arrested members of three different gangs that were at war with each ...
Haitian police officers are demanding better protection and treatment a day after gunmen killed a Kenyan policeman who was ...
The April 2021 shooting of Davonte Lewis, 17, supercharged the 59 Brims and Bloodhound Brims’ beef against Folk Nation and ...
Court documents lay out how a quest for vengeance motivated by the death of a 17-year-old led to a drive-by shooting that ...
A pending bill would ban the department's gang database entirely, while another would restrict police’s ability to collect ...
For three hours on Monday, the NYPD’s top lawyer and police brass dueled members of the City Council over bills to eliminate ...
Among the men who appeared in federal court in Boston on Wednesday was a 33-year-old described as the "state supreme leader" ...
They were all having a hui outside his house and then boom, we just pulled out all the guns and went pop, pop, pop,” he said ...